Continous Innovation: 3 Indicators That Your Salesforce Does Not Need It

  • By Shuchi Bhardwaj
  • June 2024
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We could begin with, “In today's fast-paced business environment, customer needs and the market are constantly evolving." but you already know that. That is exactly why you chose the best CRM out there to bring all your departments together to build strong, lasting customer relationships 

Moving to a new CRM must have been a big disruptive change involving considerable investment and risks. But that isn’t the finish line. You might be hearing about a multiple issues that users are facing,  dozens of Salesforce features you don’t have yet, or different teams needing more tools to improve their KPIs. This gap can gradually widen, and before you know it, you’re stagnant–with increased technical debt and lower-than-anticipated ROI (death by a thousand cuts!).

There are no big problems - there are just a lot of little problems.

-Henry Ford 


Continuous Innovation before it is too late? 
To avoid “boiling frog phenomenon” with your Salesforce, you need “Kaizen,” which translates to “change for good,” i.e. continuous innovation. Let’s explore whether continuous innovation is something your Salesforce platform might need.

3 Indicators That Your Salesforce Does Not Need Continous Innovation

  1. You are a simple business, which doesn’t really change much

If you do not need to adapt to changing customer expectations, do not worry about continuous innovation–your CRM is good enough. In contrast, if your business is growing or you see your competition leading the way, you can get an edge by upgrading your Salesforce– for instance, leveraging Einstein copilot to speed things up and increase productivity.     


Some interesting AI Statistics for you

  • 75% of CEOs believe competitive advantage will depend on who has the most advanced generative AI.

  • 50% of CEOs are now integrating generative AI into products and services.

  • 43% are using generative AI to inform their strategic decisions.

  • Generative AI sales budgets are expected to triple by 2025, with marketing and service budgets expected to more than double.


IBM Study: CEOs Embrace Generative AI as Productivity Jumps to the Top of their Agendas, - 27, Jun 2023.

  1. You’re comfortable dealing with 600 pages of Salesforce Release Notes. 

Salesforce believes in continuous innovation and brings three releases each year, in addition to a multitude of other updates. This summer, it was 687 pages. Each Salesforce release notes comprise of wealth of information about new features, updates, and enhancements. If you can manage to maximize the value derived from Salesforce, you’re good. 

But if you need help keeping up, partners like Omnikope can help you navigate these releases, ensuring we implement the most relevant features that can help you gain a competitive edge. Our certified Salesforce professionals review your needs, align them with the new updates, and help you integrate these features smoothly into your existing systems.

  1. Keeping Salesforce up-to-date is not a major concern for you 

If you are confident that your Salesforce will continue to work at its peak performance always, you don’t need to bother about continuous innovation. However, if you: 

  • Feel you need help fixing frequent errors that hinder the performance of your teams

  • Want to connect your CRM with other tools or ERP

  • Need experts for data management or data migration from other systems into Salesforce

  • Looking for training for your users toimpart best practices

  • Require technical support to troubleshoot issues for users  

Then you should consider:


Continuous Innovation with Salesforce Managed Services


Get certified professionals who know the nuts and bolts of running Salesforce and getting the most out of it. It will help you improve your team’s performance and, ultimately, customer experience.


A study reveals that 88% of customers say good customer service makes them more likely to purchase again. 


Salesforce, “36 Customer Service Statistics To Move Your Business Forward” - 8, May 2024


 Your Managed Services Partner can prioritize innovation while you look into your business priorities. This way, you can leverage full functionality, stay compliant, and stay current with industry best practices and new releases on an ongoing basis. 


Best Practice - ongoing, incremental improvements in your Salesforce Platform

Adopting best practices is vital for driving innovation. At Omniskope, we recommend the following best practices:

  • Continuous learning: We offer training sessions and resources to ensure that your team is well-versed with the latest Salesforce functionalities. This can include customized training programs tailored to different roles within your organization.

  • Culture of innovation: Partner with your people (end users) to get new ideas and encourage feedback. This will solve problems as the arrive and bring out a solution that the team is looking for.   

  • Custom Development and Integration: Tailor Salesforce to your specific needs through custom development and seamless integration with other systems. This ensures that your Salesforce environment supports your unique business processes. For example, integrating Salesforce with your ERP system can streamline operations and provide a unified view of customer data.

  • Proactive Maintenance and Updates: Regularly review and update your Salesforce configuration to incorporate new features and best practices. Our proactive maintenance services help prevent issues and keep your system running smoothly. We set up automated processes for routine tasks and continuously monitor system performance.

  • Data Quality Management: Maintain high data quality through regular audits and cleansing. Accurate and reliable data is the backbone of effective CRM strategies. This involves setting up automated data validation rules, conducting periodic data cleanups, and ensuring data consistency across all business units.

  • User Feedback and Iteration: Engage with users to gather feedback and continuously improve the system. This iterative approach ensures that Salesforce evolves in line with your business needs. We implement feedback loops where user suggestions are regularly reviewed and acted upon to enhance system usability and functionality.


If you share Salesforce's vision which is rooted in innovation deep, you are positioned to lead and unlock new opportunities. Innovation is not just about adopting the latest technology but about continually evolving and improving to meet changing demands. As a Salesforce partner, Omniskope is committed to helping businesses navigate the complexities of Salesforce updates, implement best practices, and drive sustained innovation. By focusing on continuous improvement, tailored solutions, and proactive support, we help our clients stay ahead in the competitive landscape.



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