What are Salesforce Managed

  • By What are Salesforce Managed Services
  • 06-06-2024
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If you have worked with Salesforce, you have probably heard about Managed Services too. The name might suggest what it means, but there is more to it that needs deeper exploration.

Salesforce is like the “linchpin” of your business. It helps you find the most profitable prospects, get to know them better, turn them into customers, and delight them with an incredible experience. You obviously want your precious CRM to be in the best of health to deliver its best performance.



Hand-picked Experts To Optimize Your Salesforce’s Health & Performance

If Salesforce was actually an indispensable team member of your organization, and its health could make or break your company's bottom line, you would have hired a dedicated health coach to keep an everyday check on diet, exercise needs, vitals, and so on. Every now and then, you’d also consult specialists–nutritionist(30% of the days/year), psychologist(20%), physiotherapist(10%) and meditation coach(30%). For a health issue, you’ll need a doctor (10%).

Salesforce Managed Services work in the same way.

You get a pool of certified Salesforce professionals, each with unique expertise, they proactively manage your Salesforce to achieve peak performance and realize business goals. There’s no need to invest in a full-time team–just pay for the skills you need, on monthly or hourly basis. Unlike the in-house team, you don’t have to worry about hiring, training or supervision.


Spectrum of Managed Services

Your managed services provider (MSP) ensures your Salesforce instance is continuously optimized, customized to your needs, and secure. You can access the capabilities of Salesforce developers, architects, project managers,  and industry specialists. The range of services under the umbrella of  Managed Services can be categorized as below:

Salesforce Consulting

You can connect with a Salesforce consultant to define objectives and discuss pain points, he/she can then recommend a strategic plan to you. Your Managed Services Provider will ensure that the people, processes and technology stay aligned with your goals.

Salesforce Optimization

Been a while since you got Salesforce? There’s a good chance that you are not using it to its full potential. You can go for continuous innovation and improvements. Your MSP will fine-tune your platform to improve its performance:

  • Reducing your technical debt by getting rid of unused customizations and obsolete roles and permission sets.
  • Introducing new features and improvements
  • Strengthening security with upgrades
  • Amplifying operational efficiency and user experience.
  • Aligning the platform with business needs

Salesforce Customization & Development

Need specific data visualization that is not covered in Salesforce? Your MSP can customize Salesforce solutions for your business’s needs. This includes:

  • Adapting Salesforce functionalities to align with business processes, from custom objects to workflow automation.
  • Building new features that cater to your unique business needs.

Salesforce Integration

The average enterprise uses 991 applications [Salesforce, Connectivity Benchmark, 2024]

Multiply the power of Salesforce by integrating it with Power BI, DocuSign, Mailchimp, Hubspot Marketing Hub, Typeform, and more.  Your MSP will:

  • Ensure compatibility between Salesforce and other software systems used within your organization.
  • Develop custom integrations that facilitate smooth data exchange between Salesforce and other platforms.
  • Manage and maintain APIs to ensure reliable and secure data connectivity.

Data Management

Data is the life blood of Salesforce. Managed Services ensure that the data you use for decision making and relationship building is reliable.

Have a look at some facts:
  • 81% of IT leaders say data silos hinder digital transformation [Salesforce, Connectivity Benchmark, 2024]
  • 75% of IT organizations struggle to integrate data insights into user experiences [Salesforce, Connectivity Benchmark, 2024]
  • Only 32% of marketers are completely satisfied with how they use customer data to create relevant experiences. [State of Marketing, 2024]
  • Only 31% of marketers are fully satisfied with their ability to unify customer data sources. [State of Marketing, 2024]
  • 57% of marketers have access to real-time data to execute a campaign — but 59% need IT's help to do so. [State of Marketing, 2024]

Source - Salesforce


  • Regular Data Audits - Thorough reviews of your data to identify and rectify inaccuracies or inconsistencies.
  • Data Cleanup - Removing duplicate, outdated, or irrelevant data to maintain a clean and efficient database.
  • Data Governance - Implementing policies and practices that ensure ongoing data quality and compliance with industry standards.

Support and Training

For Salesforce to be truly effective, your solution should be in working order, and users must be trained and supported to leverage the platform effectively. Managed Services can offer: Only 15% of workers strongly agree that they have the education and training necessary to use AI effectively. [Salesforce, Slack: Workplace AI Trends, 2024]

  • Immediate assistance for any Salesforce-related issues, ensuring minimal disruption to your operations.
  • Comprehensive training sessions tailored to different user roles.
  • Documentation and guides to help users troubleshoot common issues

As a Salesforce partner, Omniskope offers comprehensive Salesforce Managed Services to ensure your Salesforce remains efficient and secure and suits your needs. Focus on growing your business while we handle the technical complexities. Let’s talk about how Managed Service can help you.

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